Book Your Sleep Assessment 

It doesn't matter whether you have experienced sleep problems for 2 months or 20 years, a sleep assessment is your first step to solving the problem. 

Book Now

Book Your Sleep Assessment 

It doesn't matter whether you have experienced sleep problems for 2 months or 20 years, a sleep assessment is your first step to solving the problem. 

Book Now


Would you like to get 1:1 sleep support from one of the UK's leading sleep experts?


No more desperately googling sleep remedies or guessing what to do to fix your sleep.

During a sleep assessment I will ask you about your sleep troubles and help you to understand what is causing them, and then crucially make suggestions, signpost resources and help you to create a plan for how you can get your sleep back on track.

You may be a long term insomniac or you might have recently started to struggle with sleeping.

You might struggle with your sleep most nights, or your problems might come and go.

You might be feeling desperate or you might be feeling sceptical that anything is able to help you sleep.


Want to know what is going wrong for you at night time?

A sleep assessment is to help you understand these problems.

Whether you are struggling:

  • to get to sleep or stay asleep
  • to get quality sleep
  • with feeling anxious about your sleep
  • with experiencing disturbing dreams just as you fall asleep

This one-off assessment can start to put you in control.

Whatever your sleep situation is, a sleep assessment is for you

Particularly if you want to:

  • understand your sleep problem
  • talk to a sleep therapist about your experience at night time
  • access advice and support that goes way beyond the usual sleep hygiene advice
  • feel in control of your sleep problem
  • have suggestions about what you could do to improve your sleep


During a sleep assessment I can identify the type of sleep problem you have, what is causing the problem and what can be done about it. 

I help you to make sense of what feels confusing, embarrassing or hopeless. If your sleep is not as you would like to it be, this is a safe place to get help. 

This is an empowering session where my aim is for you to be able to take control and explore options for you to achieve great sleep. 

It does not matter whether you have experienced sleep problems for 2 months or 20 years, a sleep assessment is your first step to solving the problem. 

Book Now

Emma Ashford - One of the UK's leading sleep expert


Who is this for, how does it work and how will it help me?


You can now buy a Sleep Assessment as a gift!

Do you know someone who is struggling with their sleep?

Buy them a sleep assessment today and support them on their path to understanding and managing their sleep issues.

After purchase you will be given a gift code for your recipient to use to book directly into my calendar. 



Sleep Assessment Call

  • 50 Minute Zoom Call
  • Flexible Appointment Times
  • Clarity around the problem
  • A plan to address the sleep issues with next steps
  • Follow up resources - if appropriate


Don't Just Take My Word For It!

Read what my clients are saying:


'It makes the world of difference to talk to someone who get's it. I feel calmer about my sleep already'


'Emma took me through the basics and then quickly honed in on my problems so from there is was easy to take the steps she suggested'


'Emma was really empathetic and engaging. I felt she took the time to fully understand my sleep issues and look at positive ways I could move forward to be able to sleep well again’


'I feel calmer about my sleep issues already and I know there are steps I can take to improve the cycle I have found myself in’


Book Your Sleep Assessment With Emma Now

It doesn't matter whether you have experienced sleep problems for 2 months or 20 years, a sleep assessment is your first step to solving the problem.

Book Now

Emma Ashford - One of the UK's leading sleep experts