Sleep desperation to sleep heaven - Hannah's Story

sleep stories sleep story

READ: Sleep desperation to sleep heaven 

Hannah's sleep problem in brief:
+ 3 - 4 hours sleep on a good night, no sleep at all on a bad night
+ Had never been a good sleeper
Taking sleeping tablets
Fear of going to bed


Hannah had built up a significant fear of bedtime due to her experiences. It would usually take her at least 3 hours to get to sleep and some nights she didn’t sleep at all. She found that she could often drop off in front of the TV but would be wide awake when she went to bed. She described feeling that she was seeing the world through a mist and couldn’t concentrate properly or remember things due to her tiredness. She was very tearful and frustrated with herself most days and constantly felt worried about how she would cope with the day



Q: Describe how things were for you before working with Emma  ( much sleep you were getting, what was concerning you, how you were feeling  etc). 

I am now sleeping soundly for 8 hours a night which is far more than I ever expected. In many ways it has exceeded my goals as I believed I would never sleep well again. I feel that the experience has been beyond positive and I would recommend sleep therapy to anyone who suffers from insomnia. Thank you so much Emma for taking the time to listen to my worries and for helping me to reach my goal. I really feel that you have totally changed my life.




Start learning how you can improve your sleep



 A Note From Emma:

Hannah had been stuck in a really difficult cycle with her sleep that made her daily life a misery. Once she understood what was happening to her and learned the tools to address it, her sleep was able to return to a natural, healthy pattern and she was able to look forward to going to bed again.



No more desperately googling sleep remedies or guessing what to do to fix your sleep