From 'tired but wired' to sleeping soundly - Dan's Story
READ: From 'tired but wired' to sleeping soundly
Dan’s sleep problem in brief:
+ Struggled with sleep all his adult life
+ 1 night a week didn't sleep at all
+ 3 nights a week only sleeping 3 hours
+ Couldn't sleep next to girlfriend
+ Sleep was poor quality
Dan was a busy young man with lots of friends, interests and a job he really took pride in. But, he was finding it harder and harder to cope with the lack of sleep he was experiencing. His sleep pattern was very mixed as he did get some good nights each week but would then survive on little or no sleep from the other nights and the quality of his sleep was poor. He felt he was running on adrenaline which he couldn't stop but felt he had no real energy and described feeling like a lesser version of himself that he should be.
Q: Describe how things were for you before working with Emma ( much sleep you were getting, what was concerning you, how you were feeling etc).
I wasn't sleeping much at all and I felt like I was buzzing with adrenalin all the time. I wanted to move in with my girlfriend but I was dreading it because I would get even less sleep. Life felt like an endurance test.
Q: Describe how things are for you now. What has changed?
Q: If you could go back and give yourself a piece of advice or support when you were struggling, what would it be?
To think the money from those 4 or 5 sessions is the same as you’d spend on a weekend away.. But a weekend away wouldn’t be nearly as beneficial in the long term. A lot of things have fallen in to place because of it, in both my work and personal life.
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Q: Are there any other comments you would like to make (eg how you found the programme experience as a whole)?
A massive thank you!
A Note From Emma:
Dan was stuck in the 'tired but wired' cycle which was perpetuating his sleep problems and making it harder for him to live as he wanted to. Once he made the decision out of desperation and started to follow the SAFE sleep formula, he was quickly able to start positively affecting this cycle and rebuilding his sleep. Once sleep felt more within his control he was easily able to move in with his girlfriend because sharing a bed was no longer an issue.
No more desperately googling sleep remedies or guessing what to do to fix your sleep |